Thursday, October 6, 2011

His Steadfast Love by Gloden Keys Parsons


Thank You, Booksneeze for the opportunity to preview this complementary ebook - it has truly been my pleasure!  I Highly recommend this incredible story for those desiring an adventure into the Civil War era...

This well-written, heartfelt story captivated my heart and my time!  I was moved by the vastness of God's grace as reflected through such vivid characters and settings!  I was awakened to a time where courage and freedom became powerful motivations; a time where reality seemed unreal, and faith, hope, and forgiveness became lifelines to a better tomorrow.  I was grateful for the power of  Love and Godly Character to heal deep wounds and restore families!  I am encouraged by the Happily Ever After of such Steadfast Love!!

May we also embrace the Grace of forgiveness and choose to walk a life of Peace and Love for others!!

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