Thursday, October 14, 2010

A New Season...

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven"
-Ecclesiastes 3:1

I just LOVE this time of year...Summer turns into Autumn, the weather begins to cool, and cherished time outside becomes our daily goal!!  I am equally grateful for the reminder that Everything has a season and purpose!!  

Recently, our family began a new season as well!!  It is a time of reflecting and acknowledging the great things God has done in us and is doing through us!  As I study the Law of the Harvest, I am beginning to understand the connection between reaping and expectation.  A wise farmer knows that just planting a seed alone is not enough.  He must nurture the seed and then patiently expect it to grow after it's own kind - wheat seeds produce wheat, corn seeds produce corn; wheat seeds will never produce corn!  So it is with us, we plant seeds of love, forgiveness, favor, etc. and then we get to patiently expect them to grow and produce a bountiful harvest!!  Likewise, if we are sowing seeds of worry, discouragement, and fear we will only produce a bountiful harvest of yuck!  

There are many lessons we can apply from this reminder, however, the two major thoughts I'm pondering is:
  1. What kind of seeds am I sowing?
  2. Do I really expect a harvest?  
Once we get our hearts around the truth of the Law of the Harvest - that we Do reap what we sow; we can begin to be aware of what we're sowing, nurturing, and expecting to produce?  We can also become aware of our ability to walk in faithful expectation.  Part of the process is a season of waiting, knowing it takes time for something to grow and produce.  I wonder if in our "Fast Food Mentality" we've forgotten how to patiently wait for something?  Have we missed out on a harvest because we walked away discouraged that our expected result was not happening fast enough?

I know the pain of reaping a harvest of judgement, lack, and selfishness.  I also know the joy of reaping a harvest of love, forgiveness, and joy!!  I am grateful for the master gardener who lovingly nurtures me, faithfully expecting a bountiful harvest!!  Likewise I am grateful for a new perspective and opportunity to see our children through His eyes and trust that the seeds of Love, Trust, Encouragement, and Joy I sow today will not return void!  

I invite you to join me in considering how the Law of the Harvest is showing up in your life.  Are you reaping what you desire?  If not, begin sowing new seeds today!!  I testify to you that God willingly extends mercy, grace, forgiveness and great love!  I firmly believe that it is Never too late to change our crop!!   Likewise, be encouraged you as you faithfully expect a harvest knowing that God is faithful!  May we be a people on Purpose, sowing seeds with Intention, and always walking in great expectation for the good things of God!!

1 comment:

Ranee said...

Glad you're back (blogging), my friend! Seasons have been a powerful thing for me, in my life, this year! It has been wonderful to allow the Lord to teach me, through change! I am excited for you and yours, and the wonderful opportunities that have come your way! May this season and the wonderful, upcoming holiday season, continue to be fruitful for you and your family! :0)