Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday Sentiment...

"My Own Little World" - Matthew West
     In Luke 10: 25-37 we read about "The Good Samaritan".  Now, this is a story about a man that was beaten and robbed while traveling, and left for dead.  As it happened, this was a major route between cities, and so there were surely other travelers that would assist this man.  True to expectation, along came a Priest, who when seeing this beaten man chose to pass him on the other side of the road.  Likewise, a Levite when he arrived on the scene, looked and then kept walking.  But the story goes on to say that a certain Samaritan , as he journeyed, came to where this man was and had compassion.  
     What would you have done?  What do we do?  How many times do we see the needs of others in our lives, and like the Priest and Levite, we choose to look the other way and continue on about our business?  As you consider these difficult questions, I DO NOT want you to feel condemnation or pride.  I DO hope that today, we can consider the difference we are making in "Our Own Little World" and Purpose to Be Aware, Have Compassion, Be a Solution, Make a Difference!!  
     In Luke, Jesus was speaking to a group, and sharing this story about The Good Samaritan in response to the question, "What shall I do to inherit eternal life".  Upon completion, He asks the group in verses 36-37, "So which of these three do you think was a neighbor to him who fell among thieves?"  "And he said, He who showed mercy on him!"  "Then Jesus said to them, Go and Do Likewise!" 
     This week, I will turn 40, and as I've been reflecting on my life, I felt led to start an "Initiative" inviting all of my friends and family to celebrate with me by Practicing one Act of Random Kindness each day for 40 days.  PARK Project was birthed with a vision to Inspire ALL who choose to participate to Be a Blessing by Being Others Minded as a way of life, rather than an event!
     I encourage you, and invite you to join me on this 40 day journey of Mercy and Grace beginning this Tuesday, 05/01/12!  Let us answer the call to Go and Do Likewise with boldness, passion and PURPOSE; and may you Be Blessed Abundantly as you do!!  :)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday Sentiment...

"Count it all joy when you fall into various trials!"

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday Sentiment...

"Life is NOT about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain!!"
 - Vivian Green

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

On Grace and Greatness...

     When you think of Grace and Greatness, what images come to mind?  Do you hear Classical Music playing in the background or "Eye of the Tiger"?  Do you imagine a person or people that embody these qualities?  Do you notice your thoughts being limited by your experience and/or level of understanding?  Do thoughts of these words bring feelings of peace and hope?  As we prepare for Easter Celebrations this week, these words are in the forefront of my heart and mind!!  

     Recently, my amazing Husband and I were invited to consider the relevance and application of Grace and Greatness through the context of becoming Ambassadors for Family Matters,  a "non-profit ministry whose goal is to see families transformed by God's Grace into instruments of restoration and reformation by equipping families for every age and stage of life".  As a result, we have experienced the power of both!  We have been encouraged and challenged as we consider our family dynamic; and have found great hope in applying the principles of Grace as we equip our Children to walk in Greatness!!     
     I am excited to Announce that we are now in position to facilitate events where we get to share this message of hope with families searching for wisdom on Raising Kids for True Greatness and Grace Based Parenting!  We look forward to scheduling events that are FULL of wisdom, as we pursue our family relationships on purpose, based on principle and passion!  Join us as we step into this new season of service by prayerfully considering how we might support you, your church, small group or community organization in   being better equipped for success!  Likewise, I challenge you to take time this week to consider the impact Grace has in your life and whether or not your are walking in the fullness of Greatness God has called you to.  May you be blessed as you open your heart and home to the Hope-filled message of Grace; the power of redemption; and the joy of Abundant Life!!