"So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth!"
Along with having been the "Queen of Denial", I have grown a Big But! Now, of course I am referring to the endless number of excuses I can generate, and/or the ease of validating bad habits and wrong thinking. This Big But has become quite the obstacle, and distraction - to say the least! When did I become so quick to develop "But" responses, I don't even remember; but I do remember being quite good at it even as a Young Woman being asked to complete my Chores. Here's the funny thing about my Big But...it is not a statement of Honor! In Revelation, when Jesus was speaking about The Lukewarm Church, He was clearly Not Pleased by their indifference!! My Big But places me in this category of Lukewarm Indifference. When I throw out a Big But, I am neither choosing in or out, I am simply delaying the inevitable or looking for another option. YUCK!!
As I've taken a Stand and made a New Commitment to my health, I have been reminded of just how many bad habits I have adopted to prevent me from Obtaining and Maintaining Health and Wellness! Likewise, as I've sought wisdom about why I would settle for Lukewarm Indifference over Excellence, the Holy Spirit quickly brings to mind the Scripture in Colossians 3:23, "And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men!" What a sweet reminder! Additionally, I was shown the Lies of the Enemy that I have allowed to creep in and take hold that say; "I'm not good enough", "I don't deserve to be healthy", "It's not really worth it", "I'll never achieve the goals I set", "I'm destined to have High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, and Cancer" - just to name a few. It is at this point that I now have a choice to make. I can either continue to walk in sin by giving the Adversary such Power in my life, OR I can rise up in the Authority God has given me as His daughter and take captive my thoughts and responses!! Now, I realize that just by choosing to align with God's desires for my body and my life, does Not mean the Adversary will stop trying to plant such nonsense; it Does, however, mean that I no longer have to settle for less than God's Very Best!
Recently, Lysa Terkeurst from Proverbs 31 Ministries wrote a blog about this very topic entitled, "But God Verses". In her post, she encourages us to follow every "But I" statement with a "But God" statement of truth to decrease the size of our Big But. She provides a list of Scriptures that include "But God..." to add to our arsenal of tools. I am grateful for her time and research, and commit to implement this practice immediately! By acknowledging my "Big But", I find forgiveness and grace as I align with what God says about me rather than what the World would say or what the Adversary would like me to believe! Likewise, I now have the opportunity to Choose as to the Lord in ALL areas of my life. I am no longer bound by my Big But, I am, instead free to make wise choices about my health - again honoring the Powerful connection between my Body, Soul and Spirit! As we begin this Lenten Season, I am inspired to lay down bad eating habits and replace them with The Word of God! I invite you to join me in this quest towards a more Healthy Lifestyle, leaving our Big Buts Behind (pun intend...LOL)! May God Richly Bless us as we surrender to Him and ALL that He has for us!!
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