"And let the Peace of God rule in your hearts, and Be Thankful."
- Colossians 3:15 (Paraphrased by Nanette)
I LOVE this time of year!! It is a season of harvest, celebration, and generally filled with joy. As I enter a new season, I cherish the time to reflect and consider my "Heart Condition". Recently, I have felt the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit challenging me to consider what it means to have a Thankful Heart, and how this leads to joy. I have spent a large portion of my life relating to "Being Content" as a passive decision I had to make. What I have noticed is that, as a result of this limited perspective, I have spent most of my life Enduring rather than Enjoying.
This week, a fellow blogger, and new friend, Grace Full Mama wrote a post on Battling Discontent with Thankfulness. This So touched my heart as a key to breaking through the cycle of Enduring!! Joy (Grace Full Mama) records, "The one thing I have learned is that it is extremely difficult to be discontent when I am actively thankful." As I continue to ponder the nature of my Heavenly Father; believing that God is Good - ALL the time, and wants nothing less for us than to walk in Joy, Peace, Grace, and Love; I am left with only one emotion...Thankfulness!! It is in this place of thankfulness that I find Peace, Joy, Grace, and Love!!
So it is with renewed Intention and Purpose that I boldly step in this new Season with a Thankful Heart!! I invite you to join me in one of favorite traditions - GRATITUESDAY!! Each Tuesday, I take time to post things I am grateful for on Facebook. This is a fun way for me to pause and consider the little things that make big differences. It is also a quick opportunity to align my Thankful Heart and recognize ALL that I have to be in gratitude of. Many times I list things like Toilet Paper and Double Stuffed Vanilla Oreos, which then leads me to consider things like Healthy Kids with Happy Hearts and Quiet Moments with My Sweetheart.
It is my prayer and challenge that throughout this Season, we will choose to Live With A Thankful Heart!
Way to go! I love this. Thank you for taking the time to share the link with me on the FB wall. I LOVE hearing that I am not in this aone! :)
10.25.11 GRATITUESDAY: Bedtime "Huggles"; Flat Iron Building Confidence; Perspective Checks; Strong Husband; Rain; Candle Burning; Candy Corn; Family Traditions
11.01.11 GRATITUESDAY: Encouraging Words, Rest, Halloween Candy, Peace, Hot Showers, Sequoia Star Performing Arts, Replenish Your Soul {At the Well Online Conference}!
11.22.11 GRATITUESDAY: Faith; Family; Friends; Favor; Feast; Fun; Fingers; Feet; Fabulousness; Fabric; Faces; Facilities; Familiarity; Favorites; February; Femininity; Financial Abundance; Festivities; Fiction Novels (Historical Fiction); Frankincense; Fireflies; Fixes; Flavor; Flexibility; Flowers; Forward Movement; Forgiveness!!
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