Friday, July 9, 2010


"Count it ALL Joy!!!"
James 1:2-3
Today, I am SO grateful for the lessons I've learned - especially those I've learned the hard way!!  I choose to believe that God works ALL things together for good for those who love Him, and I continue to experience His grace and mercy in ALL I do!!  I KNOW that God forgives and restores!!  I have learned to trust Him as I continue to step forward with courage!!  To God be the Glory for ALL that He does and May Our Light So Shine!!

1 comment:

Nanette said...

If you're joining me from In the TJEd Trenches, Welcome!! I hope you are blessed by sharing in my journey as I choose to Glorify God. I am grateful for the opportunity to uplift and encourage one another along the way, and SO appreciate the joy of sharing in this together!! Many Blessings - Nanette