Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wisemen Still Follow Him!

"And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary his mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh."
- Matthew 2:11

When the Wisemen of the day saw the star, they set out on a journey of love. They traveled for what is estimated as 2 years before they reached the One they had prepared their treasures for. We can learn much from these Wisemen! "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" - I am just beginning to realize the truth & depth of this insight. As I've pondered the lesson of the Wisemen, I've discovered 3 steps to gaining wisdom:
1. Seek
2. Worship
3. Give
The greek define "Seek" as pursuing a continued direction with determination to build a stronger relationship; To Worship is to really enter into an intimate relationship of honor and love; And to Give includes more than money - it includes our time, talents, encouragement, our heart! The Reward is that ALL our needs and wants are met!

We know that in this life, we WILL face challenges; the question I've been considering is have I been "Wise" at all times? Did I seek after God, make time to worship Him, and find opportunities to give when I felt blessed and abundant or does it take a trial to turn my heart towards the One who created me? I'd like to think I've always followed after this One with every passion within me, however, that would be a lie. The true story is that it took a moment in time that far exceeded my worst dreams to turn my heart toward the One who is my source and my strength.

It was 2 years ago this month that I began my own journey of love. Prior to that snowy morning, I was completely immersed in the world I had created that was based on one justification after another. I had spent most of my life looking for validation and fulfillment from anyone rather than THE One. I had turned my back on love believing I needed something more . I became a mom burdened with children. I had become a woman without purpose. I had given my heart over to the lies of an adversary that would stop at nothing to "kill, steal, and destroy". Praise God that the way out was already paved for me by the Gift of my Savior, His Son, even Jesus Christ!!

It was in this moment of desperation that I looked for a star that would lead me to ALL that I desired! I am still grateful for the mercy of our Heavenly Father! I had turned my back on him and given my heart to another, and yet the moment I cried out for Him, He was there with open arms! Just as promised, He had never left nor forsaken me, and so with a new sense of direction, I began my journey of love. Little did I know that this walk would bring great heartache, accountability, pain, healing, forgiveness, grace, love, and joy. Truly, as I began to Seek Father, I found a peace that surpassed understanding. I began to hunger and thirst after His righteousness! My passion to spend time with Father grew into a love affair of my heart! I noticed that as I sought after this intimacy with Father, He responded with abundant grace, love, purpose, joy, and understanding. I began to be wise.

I found that making time to worship Father in the midst of my heartbreak brought great comfort. I learned to this One who loves me in spite of myself, in myself, and in my love. I learned to forgive as I experienced forgiveness. I learned to focus as I found purpose. I learned to love. A habit and heart of worship was instilled in me that continues to flow through me!

I began to know the fulfillment of seeking and worshiping this One that gave so much for me, and in turn found joy in giving. I began to give precious treasure as I followed the examples laid out before me. I found the joy and blessing of giving my heart back to my Savior, my husband, and my children. How great is God to fill me with a renewed passion for these relationships. I was quickly filled with All that I had spent years looking for in all the wrong places! Isn't it sweet how blessed we are to open our eyes and find all we are seeking right in front of us?

This 2 year journey has brought great change! I have experienced healing and restoration in my marriage and family that could have only come by Divine Intervention! As I have followed after the Bright Morning Star, I have found the One! I have come to look forward with expectation to the reward of seeking, worshiping, and giving - not as "Shamu" looks for the reward of performance; but, rather as a daughter knowing her Father's delight in this journey! I do not believe or suggest that I have "arrived" at a destination of completion. I do know that I am on my way, and can find joy in the journey, and peace from the One that truly is my source!

It is my prayer this holiday season, that I would always be found Seeking, Worshiping, and Giving. I pray that I will continue to be Wise in both the seasons of learning as well as in times of harvest; through the easy and the difficult! May my treasures always point towards the One who holds my heart!

May God continue to bless you Always in All Ways!!
Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's great, Nanette! and I like the seasons part at the end too.