Sunday, December 20, 2009
Wisemen Still Follow Him!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Love Language Week
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
New Opportunity
Monday, October 12, 2009
Happy Columbus Day!!
- Walnut Shell Half
- Small Ball of Playdough
- Construction Paper Triangle
- Straw and Tape
Cut the straw to desired length, tape paper triangle onto straw for the sail; place small ball of playdough into walnut shell; stick sail into playdough ball. Fabulous!!
Next, we did some word search puzzles and worksheets on Christopher Columbus. While we worked on these, we talked about what made this man memorable. I was happy to find the kids interested in the conversation. We were able to discuss character traits like courage, passion, patience, vision, inspiration, and determination. We talked about how things don't always go as planned, but that we can always find value in the journey. Overall, I was SO grateful for the inspiring time!!
Now, it was time to play and get ready for lunch. Michelle and Anthony surprised me by using the playground euipment to "act out" their own sea adventure. They wanted some sailor tools, so we made a telescope and binoculars.**
- Papertowel Roll
- Toilet Paper Roll
- Bendy Straw
- Construction Paper
- Tape or Glue
We first cut the TP Roll in half and measured the distance between Tony's eyes. Next, we rolled the TP Rolls and the PT Roll in construction paper. We cut 2 small slits in the side of the TP Rolls. We then cut the bendy straw so the the bendy part coule be our "nose piece". We were able to insert the cut bendy straw into the slits in the TP Rolls, and taped the insides. We decorated the Telescope and added additional tape to our binoculars in secure the ends, and tahdah, we were ready to explore!
After lunch, it was time to create our Masterpiece Replicas - The Nina, The Pinta, and The Santa Maria.**
- 3 empty plastic gallon jugs
- 3 paper napkins
- 3 plastic knives
- 3 straws
We began by cutting the plastic jugs about 1.5 inches from the bottom. We'll save the top part to use as sand scoopes and funnels. We then labeled the ships with a permanent marker. Next, we taped the straw to the inside to attach the sail to. We then decorated the paper napkins as our sails, and taped them to the plastic knives. Finally, we taped the plastic knives with sails onto the straws, and we were ready to set sail. We then launched our ships into the pond, and imagined what it would have been like that fateful August day in 1492. We were almost as excited and nervous as I'm sure the sailors were.
It was SO fun to watch our ships float across the water, and then 1 took on water and began to sink, and then a 2nd one did the same. It was fun to again talk about how things did not go exactly how Columbus had anticpated, just as we experience in our lives.
We had read from a library book, I Sailed with Columbus by Susan Martin. In this book, it described sailing through green sludge at one point. We decided to come home and make green goo** to experience what it might have been like to sail through it.
- 1 cup of Cornstarch
- 1 cup of COLD water
- food coloring
Slowly add the Cold water to the cornstarch, stirring as you go. This mixture will be both dry and wet - which makes it SO cool!! Then we added green food coloring and mixed it in. This goo looks wet on the counter, but feels dry; and then, as soon as you pick it up, it is slimy and wet. Messy Fun!!
"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to loose sight of the shore!"
I think this quote totally sums up what we've learned from studying and celebrating Columbus. It is by faith and courage that great things happen! When we are willing to "set sail" with the "Great Captain", life becomes an adventure!! May we also leave a legacy of faith, courage, action, and inspiration!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Sew for Service
Saturday, September 19, 2009
A Praying Mother
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Hosting a Homeschool Seminar
I am standing for a successful event with registration of 75 or more local families interested in learning about this powerful teaching approach! It is such an awesome experience to utilize the gifts I've been given in a way that will contribute to the vision of others! I look forward to a joyful event!!
Check out this blog for easy registration -
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
11 Years Old...
Monday, August 17, 2009
First Day of School!
What an exciting time for our family!! I am so thrilled and relieved to have found direction and clarity in supporting our family to be the leaders we are all called to be. It is truly "For such a time as this" that we have all been called to Rise Up and Be Counted. I intend to begin at home in impacting the world. I am confident that with continued prayer and planning, we can successfully rise to this occasion and become Scholars, Statesmen and Stateswomen, Liber, Leaders, Problem Solvers, and Lights in this darkening world.
In James 1: 2-3 of our central canon, the Bible; we are reminded to "Count it all for joy". I've often thought this was good advice, but wondered, how do I really do that in the midst of circumstances that seem beyond my ability to survive, let alone thrive. As the past 2 years have unfolded, I have had the opportunity to practice this wonderful direction. I have been so grateful to find joy in the midst of unbelievable stretching (trials)! I am so grateful for my understanding and testimony of trusting the process in faith rather than fear. Out of this journey, I've grown and found blessings beyond my best dreams. God is SO good - only all the time!
I hope to inspire my family and friends to Rise Up and Be Counted! Now is the time! It is possible! We are equipped! It is time for our family to choose our course of action rather than allow circumstances to dictate our route!! Praise God for "Second Chances"! It is my joy to share our journey as we move forward in faith to Glorify God and Be a Blessing!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Coming home to Arizona
I am constantly amazed and inspired by how much our Heavenly Father knows and loves each one of us! We had been praying for direction in our life wanting to be a blessing. We also asked Father to make things obvious. Needless to say, he is faithful to His word, and not only did He answer our prayers, He did so in such a way that we could not be confused by it. Having spent years in Arizona, moving back brings a sense of coming home for us. At the same time, it meant leaving family whom we love and treasure. Knowing that it was time to move forward, I found myself stepping out in faith.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
How Time Flies...
We had a wonderful Christmas, filled with the Spirit of Christ! Michelle & Anthony have such generous spirits, and truly enjoy giving. It was such a pleasure to share in their excitment as we prepared gifts for friends and family. I noticed this sense of abundance as each of us surveyed all that we had been blessed with, along with an overwhelming desire to share. What a blessing it is to feel gratitude, especially in the midst of growing and stretching!!
As the new year has begun, we are implementing a new Family Economy patterned after the Eyre Family - Michelle & Anthony are eager to take ownership of their "home zones" and family callings! This sense of order seems to add to the stability and peace we are each experiencing. Jeff extended family callings to Michelle & Anthony at Family Home Evening last night. He called Anthony to be his First Counselor with a charge to assist in the order of our home. He is asked to assign responsibilities for each FHE, call our family to daily prayers, scripture study, and weekly FHE. Anthony was most pleased to be "the man of the house" when Father is not available, ensuring the safety of our family. Michelle was called to be the family secretary with a charge to assist our family in taking minutes at FHE, be our family historian, photographer, and financial clerk. Jeff & I hope these callings can not only offer training in their specific areas, but also prepare them for future opportunities to serve. Jeff set both Michelle & Anthony apart and gave them a blessing that they would have soft hearts, continue to make wise choices, and honor the gifts and talents they've been given.
We are also "revamping" our household responsibilities to better account for where the children are at. We want to instill a sense of participation and contribution, rather than entitlement and demands. We will be "sharing" the household income with the children as they share in the household responsibilities. Everyone will be assigned a "home zone" to manage along with keeping their rooms in order, and following the family laws we've established. We expect this sense of participation will serve to train them in life skills as well as creating a sense of partnership and teamwork.
We also have begun Martial Arts Training as a family. Michelle & Anthony both have amazing athletic abilities, they are fast, flexible, and strong. We hope that this type of training will assit them in focus, teamwork, discipline, and confidence. So far, we are noticing just this. It is also an excellent way for Jeff & I to expand our commitment to health and wellness. We are equally looking forward to this new experience.
Theresa & Madeline continue to be "missing" for nearly three weeks now. We are grateful for all the efforts being made to find them, and bring them to safety, and look forward with hope and faith that they are healthy and happy.
Jeff has recently been called as the Elder's Quorum Family History Committee Representative. This brings the reminder and challenge to "Turn our Hearts to our Fathers". We look forward to taking on this opportunity with all the passion and committment we have. We know we are called to seek out the records of our family, and nothing should stay our efforts. We anticipate many miracles as we begin this worthy endeavor.
So, it is with new beginnings, renewed committments, and joy that we move forward together!!