Friday, October 28, 2011


"For we are God's Masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, 
so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."
- Ephesians 2:10 NLT

As we enter this Season of Harvest and Thanksgiving, I invite you to pause with me and consider Yourself as God's Masterpiece. 

Courtesy of Bethany House Publisher, I received a copy of my Favorite Author's latest novel, the first in her new series set at The Belmont Mansion in Nashville, Tennessee.  Tamera Alexander continues to challenge and inspire me through her historically rich, romantic fiction novels, and A Lasting Impression is no exception!  In this post Civil War era, we are introduced to "a nation mending, the redemption of those wounded, and the courage of a man and woman to see themselves-and each other-for who they truly are."

This eloquently written story reminds me of God's Grace, His ability to Forgive and Restore, and His desire to lead us into Second Chances - FULL of Abundant Blessings!  I wonder, how many times do we resist this progression in order to question our worthiness?  How often do we get stuck in our "doing for others" that we forget  whom we owe ALL of our ability and opportunity too?

I LOVE to meditate on what it means to "be God's Masterpiece...created to do good things He has planned for us long ago".  I am not an artist, but as I connect with Claire Laurent's passion to create, I become aware of the emotion and delicacy involved in the process.  I can imagine each brush stroke taken to design and blend the variety of colors into one beautiful masterpiece, and feel humbled considering God's love for me!!  I begin to see the Joy of the Lord as He painfully placed His signature on our hearts, and treasure the thought of being considered priceless!!

"A Lasting Impression" is Rich with sweet lessons of faith, forgiveness, courage, honor, restoration, trust, and love!!  I am blessed by the opportunity Tamera Alexander's writing gives me to not only enjoy a good story, gain some historical insights, but also to reflect and respond to my own heart condition!  In this moment, I am left with the challenge of considering the "Why" behind my actions, and equally important, the Lasting Impression I am creating.  May we be filled with Wisdom and Understanding as we continue to press forward in faith, and may you be blessed as God's Masterpiece!!! 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Ultimate Blog Bash 2011

Today I am Joyfully Linking Up with other Bloggers at Women Living Well to introduce myself and get to know others better.  My name is Nanette,  and I am SO grateful to be a Daughter of God, a Wife in Love, and a Mother on Purpose!  I Love to sing and truly believe that life is one long musical.  I enjoy sharing my heart and home as I daily learn what is means to "Dance in the Rain".

I began blogging as a way to record my thoughts and experiences, and quickly realized the power of connecting with other like-minded women as we Inspire and Encourage one another.  I write with a heart to be transparent while glorifying God in all that He does in me and through me!!  I am passionate about growing my relationship with Him, and delight in the process of Pursuing Peace on Purpose...HA!  Likewise, my blog is full of examples of God's Grace!  I continue to marvel in the opportunity to regularly pause and consider my "Heart Condition" - to align (more accurately re-align) with Wisdom and Understanding, and reflect on valuable life lessons I learn as I strive to be a Woman of Godly Character, a Helpmate to my Beloved, and a Grace-filled Mother!  Please join me in this journey...I pray you find peace in knowing you are Not alone!  Likewise, I look forward in faith with great expectation to ALL that God has for us we strive to BE Relevant!!    

Monday, October 24, 2011

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Live With A Thankful Heart

"And let the Peace of God rule in your hearts, and Be Thankful."
- Colossians 3:15 (Paraphrased by Nanette)

I LOVE this time of year!!  It is a season of harvest, celebration, and generally filled with joy.  As I enter a new season, I cherish the time to reflect and consider my "Heart Condition".  Recently, I have felt the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit challenging me to consider what it means to have a Thankful Heart, and how this leads to joy.  I have spent a large portion of my life relating to "Being Content" as a passive decision I had to make.  What I have noticed is that, as a result of this limited perspective, I have spent most of my life Enduring rather than Enjoying.  

This week, a fellow blogger, and new friend, Grace Full Mama wrote a post on Battling Discontent with Thankfulness.  This So touched my heart as a key to breaking through the cycle of Enduring!!  Joy (Grace Full Mama) records,  "The one thing I have learned is that it is extremely difficult to be discontent when I am actively thankful."  As I continue to ponder the nature of my Heavenly Father; believing that God is Good - ALL the time, and wants nothing less for us than to walk in Joy, Peace, Grace, and Love; I am left with only one emotion...Thankfulness!!  It is in this place of thankfulness that I find Peace, Joy, Grace, and Love!!

So it is with renewed Intention and Purpose that I boldly step in this new Season with a Thankful Heart!!  I invite you to join me in one of favorite traditions - GRATITUESDAY!!  Each Tuesday, I take time to post things I am grateful for on Facebook.  This is a fun way for me to pause and consider the little things that make big differences.  It is also a quick opportunity to align my Thankful Heart and recognize ALL that I have to be in gratitude of.  Many times I list things like Toilet Paper and Double Stuffed Vanilla Oreos, which then leads me to consider things like Healthy Kids with Happy Hearts and Quiet Moments with My Sweetheart.

It is my prayer and challenge that throughout this Season, we will choose to Live With A Thankful Heart!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

One Call Away - A Memoir by Brenda Warner

"Answering Life's Challenges with Unshakable Faith"

Do you sometimes find yourself feeling alone and discouraged with your current circumstances?  Are you stuck in a rut full of distractions?  Do you hesitate to answer the phone, for fear of who might be on the other end with bad news?  Brenda Warner shares her life and her heart in "One Call Away" as she considered similar questions.  In this intimate glimpse, Brenda allows us to connect with her and her journey...a path that led her through Life's Challenges with Unshakable Faith!!    

Book Description
Brenda’s life has taken twists and turns that are stranger than fiction. It always seemed as if she was just one phone call away from the next explosive change. Each time her plans fell apart, she had a choice: would she give up, or would she press forward and learn from the unexpected? One Call Away is the inspiring story of a woman who has prevailed through many of the circumstances that discourage women: tragedy, poverty, betrayal, and humiliation. But unlike most women, her life has been on display in the media.
Brenda’s faith and God’s strength enable her to face challenge after challenge: an accident that leaves her son blind and brain damaged, a crumbling marriage, a tornado that kills her parents, a new relationship with promising football player Kurt Warner, and the pressures his sudden success brings to their growing family.
Through food stamps and funerals, Super Bowls and serving others, Brenda’s strength is unwavering. Her determination to dream new dreams, willingness to learn from her mistakes, and commitment to giving back to her community make her a role model for women of all backgrounds.
Her dreams haven’t materialized as she had imagined, but Brenda has found that God has a much bigger plan for her. Conversational and candid, One Call Away invites readers facing their own difficulties to trust God and discover hope in the future.
I thoroughly enjoyed spending time reading about this Amazing, Inspiring woman!!  I could SO relate to many of her experiences, responses, and choices to move forward on purpose!  I appreciate her willingness and ability to be vulnerable as she brings Glory to God in All that He has done in her and through her!!  This is a woman of action, and her memoir inspires me to do the same.  Her and her family continue to do powerful, abundant work through "First Things First Foundation" as they put action to their testimony!  I love her heart for children, and honor her for her sensitivity to celebrating the joy that they are!!  I am encouraged by her faith as she pressed forward regardless of her circumstances!  As I review my complementary ebook from Booksneeze,  I am in gratitude for this woman who chooses to honor God in such an outloud and profound way!    I highly recommend this book for anyone asking the above questions, as well as those looking for inspiration and motivation to carry on!!  Like Brenda, it has been my experience that no matter where we are in our journey, God is only One Call Away.  Knowing that gives me hope for tomorrow, faith for the future, and an ability to find joy in the journey!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

His Steadfast Love by Gloden Keys Parsons


Thank You, Booksneeze for the opportunity to preview this complementary ebook - it has truly been my pleasure!  I Highly recommend this incredible story for those desiring an adventure into the Civil War era...

This well-written, heartfelt story captivated my heart and my time!  I was moved by the vastness of God's grace as reflected through such vivid characters and settings!  I was awakened to a time where courage and freedom became powerful motivations; a time where reality seemed unreal, and faith, hope, and forgiveness became lifelines to a better tomorrow.  I was grateful for the power of  Love and Godly Character to heal deep wounds and restore families!  I am encouraged by the Happily Ever After of such Steadfast Love!!

May we also embrace the Grace of forgiveness and choose to walk a life of Peace and Love for others!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Storm Warning by Billy Graham

I received this book free, courtesy of Booksneeze several months ago, and have taken my time reading it!  For those of you interested in the "Signs of the Times", this book sheds some light and wisdom on this ever captivating topic!!

Book Description:
An examination of the imminence of Christ's return in light of today's headlines and the events recorded in Scripture.
The morning newspapers are jammed with alarming headlines and stories asking questions no one can answer. In Storm Warning, Billy Graham examines the problems facing America today compared with what is to come as revealed in the Bible. He answers the tough questions as only he can with astute biblical insight, and points to the hope and renewal found in Christ—for our families, our nation, and our world.
Includes an in-depth analysis of the four horsemen of Revelation chapter six as well as insight on:
Signs of the times The Apocalypse Standing before God
It is my belief that God is Graceful and Loving, and ALWAYS makes a way where there seems to be noway; and to that extent, I am happy to rest in the Calm of the Storm!!

Running the Race...

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, 
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
- John 3:16

Are you weary in Running YOUR Race?  Are there days when you feel overwhelmed and unable?  Be encouraged today, knowing that you are Never alone!!  

There have been times in my life when I have forgotten the promise that "I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me Strength"!!  I have tried to DO my life as if I was on my own, and it was in these moments that I have felt overwhelmed and unable.  It is also in these moments that I have made poor decisions - never my finest moments!!  It has only been by the Grace of God that I "Run and Not grow weary, Walk and Not faint"!!  It is also through this Grace that I find strength, wisdom, and ability to BE about my Father's business!!  

So, today as you consider your journey; may you run with the ease of being carried by the One who loves you most, and Rest in His loving, gracious, and very capable arms!!