Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Honor is defined as a mark, token, or gesture of respect or distinction. 

Today, I am honored to have been set apart by one of my dear friends.  Ramblings of a TJEd Mother has listed me as one of her favorite blogs to read!!  To God be the glory!!  I blog as a way to reflect, and illuminate.  It is my desire to share how God is moving through me, and to express my joy of the journey!  What I've noticed is the abundance of encouragement we share with each other!!  I am blessed by Ranee's example of being Other's Minded, truly a woman of honor!

By request, I am happy to share 7 things about me...
  1. I LOVE music!!  I Love to sing and play piano!!  I Love to train up others in the art of music!!  I would love to write music!
  2. I have been married for more than half of my life to an AMAZING man of valor and my very best friend!
  3. After years of practice, I make a mean Baked Ziti pasta dish (including sauce from scratch, of course!)
  4. Tamara Alexander and Janette Oke are two of my favorite authors.
  5. I Love French Fries!!
  6. I am passionate about Leadership Education, and enjoy a life based on the principles of "A Thomas Jefferson Education"!
  7. I LOVE Living Word Bible Church!!  I am SO blessed by the outpouring of wisdom and understanding, along with the shared desire to glorify God in all things!!  
Now then, I'd like to honor a few of the blogs I follow that uplift, inspire, and encourage me!!  I know you'll be blessed by them also!!
Authors, I'd love for you to respond to honor by passing it along!  Step 1: Gratitude, thank the person who honored you.  Step 2: Share, write 7 things about you.  Step 3: Honor, pass this along to some of the blogs you follow.

Thank you all for being a part of my journey!!  I am blessed by your stories, examples, and wisdom from it all!!  May we continue to walk in Honor as we Rise Up For Such a Time as This!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

This Is The Day!!

"THIS is the Day, the Lord Has Made.  
I WILL Rejoice and Be Glad in it!!!
I hope you are filled with Joy as you "Choose this day whom you will serve"!!  "As for me and my house, we Will serve the Lord"!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010


"Count it ALL Joy!!!"
James 1:2-3
Today, I am SO grateful for the lessons I've learned - especially those I've learned the hard way!!  I choose to believe that God works ALL things together for good for those who love Him, and I continue to experience His grace and mercy in ALL I do!!  I KNOW that God forgives and restores!!  I have learned to trust Him as I continue to step forward with courage!!  To God be the Glory for ALL that He does and May Our Light So Shine!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Birthday, Son!!!

I am SO grateful to Celebrate my Son today!!  8 years ago, the testosterone level Finally increased in our home!!  Tony came equipped with so MANY gifts and talents!!  He is FULL of Joy, incredibly Strong, very Athletic, amazingly Musical, and abundantly Loving just to name a few!  I am blessed to be the Mother of such a powerful young leader, and delight in him daily!!!