Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Praying Mother

Psalm 127:3 Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.

Releasing my children into God's hands did not come as easy for me, as I thought it might. I became a mother 18.5 years ago, and I will NEVER forget the beautiful little girl that looked into my eyes that Easter morning. Theresa came into this world full of the joy and hope of Heaven!! She brought a sense of independence; for me, as well as a desire for her own. As a young mother, I knew we would learn a lot together. The miracle of life - what a blessing!! Then, just 8 months later when we learned we would have another bundle of joy to add to our family, my heart leaped with anticipation for life and all that lay ahead. So it was that when Madeline joined our family nine months later, Jeff & I rejoiced with the honor of caring for and loving such beautiful daughters!! How precious it is to love and nurture life. Even though I was just beginning to understand what it meant to love and nurture, I embraced this opportunity with gratitude and confidence! Madeline & Theresa filled our home with giggles, singing, and beauty - what more could I want? Knowing that I was not a "perfect" mother, I found comfort and hope in the fact that I was a "praying" mother!! It wasn't until the last couple of years, however, that I began relying on the power of being a praying mother more that trying to be a perfect mother.

Our road has not been an easy one, but it has been worth it; just as Jesus promised. There were many lessons for me yet to learn! Regardless of the lives dependent on me, I was still learning how to depend on a Heavenly Father that not only loves me intimately, but also enables me to love the children he entrusted to me. Knowing that you can't give what you don't have, I had some work to do. At just 20 years of age, I realized that having a family was not the same as playing house. At this point, rather than moving forward in humility allowing God to mold me into the mother, wife, nurturer, and daughter He intended; I proudly stepped forward with the delusion of "having it all under control". Needless to say, I spent many years going through the motions as I thought they should be, blind to the fact that had I only asked, the Holy Spirit sat anxiously waiting to show me how to be all that I desired. I loved being a mother, however, looking back I can see just how pride, ignorance, and distractions cost me the intimate relationship I so longed for with my children. In my self-righteousness, I believed that I had built a relationship with these precious daughters that was safe and secure. I've spent time with the Lord studying this idea of security, and have come to believe that the Lord did not come so that we would feel secure; He came that we would have life more abundant! I have learned that it was only when I chose to truly walk by faith, seeking hard after God that I actually found peace!! Perhaps then, security is a delusion the adversary would have us seek after rather that learning to lean on and trust our Father.

My heart is full as I walk the road of accountability, forever grateful for the Atonement of our Savior!! I am also grateful for the lessons I have learned along the way and continue to learn about the joy of life! It is my heart to share these lessons as a testament of God's faithfulness and love for His children. I intend to do so over the next few posts. Just as life is a journey, so will be my account of it. I wish to end this post by sharing a prayer from Stormie Omartian's book, "The Power of a Praying Parent" inviting you to join me in the journey of being a praying mother:

Lord, I submit myself to You. I realize that parenting a child in the way You would have me to is beyond my human abilities. I know I need You to help me. I want to partner with You and partake of Your gifts of wisdom, discernment, revelation, and guidance. I also need Your strength and patience, along with a generous portion of Your love flowing through me! Teach me how to love the way You love. Where I need to be healed, delivered, changed, matured, or made whole, I invite You to do that in me. Help me to walk in righteousness and integrity before You. Teach me Your ways, enable me to obey Your commandments and do only what is pleasing in Your sight. May the beauty of Your Spirit be so evident in me that I will be a godly role model. Give me the communication, teaching, and nurturing skills that I must have. Make me the mother You want me to be and teach me how to pray and truly intercede for the life of the children you entrust to me. Lord, You said in Your Word, "Whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive" (Matthew 21:22). In Jesus' name I ask that You will increase my faith to believe for all the things You've put on my heart to pray for concerning these children.

Many Blessings,

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hosting a Homeschool Seminar

Penny Gardner has accepted my invitation to come to AZ on 10/24/09! I am really excited to assist her in hosting this event along with my homeschooling friend, Andee!! Penny is an expert on the Charlotte Mason Approach, so this event should be very educational and inspiring!!

I am standing for a successful event with registration of 75 or more local families interested in learning about this powerful teaching approach! It is such an awesome experience to utilize the gifts I've been given in a way that will contribute to the vision of others! I look forward to a joyful event!!

Check out this blog for easy registration -

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

11 Years Old...

Michelle turns 11 today!!
We have enjoyed a wonderful day honoring Michelle! She is an amazing, beautiful, talented, giving, intelligent, deep young lady whom I am honored to call daughter!
Michelle has been contemplating what instrument she would like to learn to play, so that she could grow her love for singing and writing. About 6 weeks ago, she asked if she could have a guitar; AND of course were were so excited to bless her with her first guitar today! We found a hot pink, parlor size, "First Act" instrument that I felt would serve her as she began to learn. She LOVED it!! I have no doubt that God has given Michelle the ability to glorify Him through music and I eagerly look forward as this talent and passion becomes a skill that can bless others. Just like King David of old, whose skill as a young musician placed him in relationship with the King, which later opened the doors of opportunity God had prepared for him to lead. It is so exciting to watch our children grow and find their passions and gifts - I am especially grateful that ALL of our children share a love of music!! Yeah Me!
Our first few weeks of school have been a great success!! We are ALL adjusting to our new schedule and enjoy our flexibility to play and learn together!! I am SO grateful for the opportunity to inspire Michelle and Anthony into their greatness!! We've always felt that we were raising and cultivating leaders, however, I now feel equipped with tools that will truly move them forward! Again, Yeah Me!!
We have been SO blessed lately with wisdom and directions. I love how God is faithful to answer our prayers with More Than Enough when we are truly open to receive. Jeff had really been seeking God's direction for how to grow our business, and almost as quickly as he asked, we received our next opportunity. It reminded me of a time we were driving in an unfamiliar town, and just as we were sure we were lost, a HUGE sign appeared to provide accurate directions for us to safely proceed to our desired destination. It is a sweet, sweet thing to understand how to really walk in God's promise of oneness (with Jeff and Father)! Likewise, I am grateful that God is NOT subject to this world's economic situation and offers his own economic stimulus!!
So it is with abundant gratitude that I reveal in the joy of being a mother, wife, and daughter of God!!